Welcome to TheMetroRP's Home Page!

Written by
Ben S.
TheMetroRP was founded 14th November 2017. Our view on maintaining a professional environment along with a friendly approach style of gameplay is what makes community into a place people want to be. In making a home for our dedicated members, we all get to experience the main thing we are here for, professional roleplay! 

At TheMetroRP we aim at bringing the best experience for RP you can get. Whether your new to FiveM or a Veteran RP-er looking for a new community we take on anyone from all walks of life. Also, we have active admins on all the time. Aswell as that we have a very strong Senior management team looking after the community. We are looking for dedicated LEO's MEDICS FIRE - If you want a good place to call home our community would be it.Thank you for taking time to read this post and we look forward to meeting you soon and on behalf of TheMetroRP, have a nice day
TheMetroRP ® 2017 
Senior Management Team!